7 Safety Precautions Every Electrician Should Remember on the Job

7 Safety Precautions Every Electrician Should Remember on the Job

1. Install Warning Signs

If you're installing an electrical system in a business, your customer's employees might be working in the building while you're there. If you're working at someone's home, there might be family members in the house. Always explain to your customers what you're doing and whether there are any safety issues. Ask them to stay away from areas of the building that are temporarily unsafe, and explain that you will turn off the electricity supply while you're working. Put up warning signs, especially if there are several groups of people inside the building. A "Danger - High Voltage" sign alerts people to the hazard and prevents them from touching dangerous wires.

2. Only Allow Trained Employees to Work with Dangerous Systems

Always make sure your employees are properly qualified before allowing them to work with a dangerous system. Keep a record of all your workers' certificates, so you can quickly and easily check whether someone is skilled enough to handle dangerous tasks. The easiest way to do this is to install home service software. A good program like ServiceBox allows you to store information in one convenient place, so you always know where to find it.If you're a master electrician, you might have apprentices working with you. Never let them take on tasks they aren't qualified for, even if you believe they're skilled enough to handle them. Otherwise, you might be held responsible if they have an accident. Because we live in a litigious society, it's easy for employees to sue employers. Protect yourself by sticking to the rules and conducting regular health and safety training sessions.

3. Pay Your Employees Properly

At first, the link between health and safety and your employees' salaries might not be apparent. But several studies have shown that workers who receive above-average wages are more motivated and less likely to make careless mistakes. This is partly because they feel valued by their bosses and partly because they have a better quality of life. Instead of having to worry about their finances, they can spend more energy concentrating on their jobs.You're also likely to attract higher-quality employees if you offer a competitive salary. At the moment, the average electrician salary is almost $60k per year. Properly paying your staff also reduce turnover, so your employees might stay with you longer. This is an advantage because new employees are riskier than ones who already know your health and safety regulations.

4. Use the Right Tools

Using the wrong tools when completing electrical work is extremely dangerous. Always provide your workers with high-quality tools that are in good condition. Although the upfront cost is higher, it's worth buying from a reputable company like Makita, Bosch, or Milwaukee because great tools protect your workers and prevent accidents. Inspect your tools and equipment at least once every six months.It's also worth thinking about your vehicles. Road incidents are much more common than electrical accidents, so your workers are more likely to get injured during their journeys to and from clients than while working on a job. Make sure all your company vehicles are in good condition, and have them serviced once a year. Give your employees plenty of time to complete jobs, so they don't feel like they have to rush from one place to the next.

5. Use Safety Equipment

If you've been an electrician for a long time, you know what you're doing. You might be tempted to take shortcuts and skip putting on your safety equipment. However, this is never a good idea. As the head of your electrical company, you're a role model for your employees. Always wear insulating gloves, safety glasses, face shields, and flame-resistant clothing when completing dangerous jobs.

6. Educate Your Customers About Health and Safety

You and your employees are electrical professionals, so you understand the health and safety regulations. The same might not be true for your customers. When installing new electrical systems, spend some time going over the most important safety features with your customers. Make sure they understand that they have to avoid touching electrical equipment with wet hands and use insulated tools when working with electricity.Show them which parts of the system they should never touch and where to turn off their electrical supply. Make sure they understand how the system works and can recognize problems. Tell them to call you as soon as they notice a strange sound or smell. To be on the safe side, you might want to hand out written information that can be shared with everyone in the building.

7. Think About the Users of the Electrical System

When installing an electrical system, think about who will be using it. Is the building open to the public, and do many people work there? If so, make sure that the electrical system is in a safe location that can't be accessed by visitors. Clearly label electrical components, so people don't accidentally touch them.If you're installing or repairing a system at someone's house, ask them about their family members and visitors. If there are children or pets, make sure all the sockets are child-proof. Use protectors, wraps, and cord shorteners to prevent accidental contact with electrical wires. This extra attention to detail will  make a good impression on your customers and reassure them that you are doing all you can to keep their loved ones safe.Workplace safety is important, especially in the electrical industry. You can reduce the risk of an incident by installing warning signs, making sure your employees are well-trained, paying your workers a high union electrician salary, using good tools and safety equipment, and educating your customers about electrical safety. Give us a call at ServiceBox to find out how you can lower your admin costs and increase your company's efficiency.

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